Optimizing Access in Wake of COVID
The top changes necessary in planning and designing pharma market access plans, including a revamp of the payer-value equation at pivotal points in the product life cycle.
Health outcomes versus cost in a post pandemic setting
For new drugs, ground-breaking science is no longer enough. The payers, mainly in Europe but other big markets are following, are now considered the dominant stakeholder. As an increasing number of new treatments are gaining early regulatory approval based on data considered incomplete by payers the value must be created earlier in drug development and communicated across the product life cycle.
In the August issue of Pharmaceutical Executive, NDA Advisory Board member Mel Walker and Global Market Access Consultant, Neil Grubert co-author the article: A Brave New World - Optimizing Access in Wake of COVID.
Read the full article and learn how to recognize and optimize crucial opportunities to generate payer value from your studies.